NEW TO MESQUITE CHRISTIAN ACADEMY? Who we are Apply Today! A Classical Christian Education School
Changing children's lives for the better
There is a place for you here


Thank you for your interest in Mesquite Christian Academy! We welcome children of all backgrounds, Kindergarten through 8th Grade.

Few investments are more crucial than your child’s education; monetary as well as emotionally. The way they see the world, the way they approach life, and the depth of their character are all influenced by education. The choice of where and how to educate your child can be challenging and complicated.

We believe in the value of a Classical Christian Education and our goal is to serve you and your child by providing an atmosphere that is moral, nurturing and challenging. We are fortunate to have a school faculty and volunteers who are deeply committed to integrating God’s truth into every aspect of our curriculum and each student’s life.


To be the premiere Christian Academy in Mesquite, Nevada, where students are immersed in a well-rounded education, devoid of politicized topics which infringe on family and Christian values. The preferred alternative to public schools.


Through the delivery of the high quality classical Christian curriculum by passionate, qualified educators in this medium, position students to be well-educated and display confidence to utilize important life skills such as critical thinking.


Excellent education is founded upon disciplined, eager attention to learning. We believe that the integrated curriculum approach exemplified by the Classical Christian Educational model is ideal in preparing students to retain knowledge, think logically and analytically, communicate effectively and succeed in living out God’s calling on their lives.


We aim to educate children who think clearly and listen carefully with discernment and understanding; who reason persuasively and articulate precisely; who are capable of evaluating their entire range of experience in the light of the Scriptures; and who do so with eagerness in joyful submission to God.

We desire they be socially graceful and spiritually gracious; equipped with and understanding the tools of learning; desiring to grow in understanding, yet fully realizing the limitations and foolishness of the wisdom of this world. We desire they have a heart for the suffering and the courage to help those in need; that they distinguish Truth from Falsehood; and that they possess the former, knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ. And all these we desire them to possess with humility and gratitude to God.


We likewise aim to cultivate these same qualities in our staff and to see them well paid so that they may make a career at Mesquite Christian. We desire them to be professional and diligent in their work, gifted in teaching, loving their students and their subjects. We desire they clearly understand classical education, how it works in their classroom and how their work fits into the whole; that they possess a lifelong hunger to learn and grow; and that they have opportunity to be refreshed and renewed. We desire to see them coach and nurture new staff and to serve as academic mentors to students. We look to see them mature in Christ, growing in the knowledge of God, their own children walking with the Lord.


We aim to cultivate in our parents a sense of responsibility for the school; to see them well informed about the goals of our classical and Christ-centered approach. We desire them to grow with the school, involved in and excited about the journey. We aim to help them to follow biblical principles in addressing concerns, to be inclined to hearing both sides of a story before rendering a verdict, and to embrace the Scripture’s injunctions to encourage and stir up one another to love and good works.


Finally, in our relationship with our community, we aim to be above reproach in our business dealings and supportive of the local business community. We further seek to exemplify the unity of the body of Christ, to develop greater fellowship and understanding with the churches, and to bring honor to our Lord in all our endeavors.