Education Congratulations Kasey! December 16, 2022 By admin 0 Comment 490 Views Kasey (11th grade) giving an 8-10 minute oratorical speech at the Veteran’s Center in Mesquite. The subject had to be on some aspect of the U.S. Constitution, with an emphasis on a citizen’s duties and obligations. The second speech was a 3-5 minute extemporaneous speech on one of four amendments to the Constitution. Kasey had to know each of the four amendments chosen as part of the competition. The judges then chose one of the amendments at the competition for the student to speak on. The student did not know ahead of time which amendment he or she would be speaking on.This event is The American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program. It is a national competition beginning at the local level. Kasey won this local competition and $300. She will now advance to the district competition in Las Vegas in January. The state competition will be held in Carson City in February, and the national competition will be held in Indianapolis in March. The winner will win scholarship money at each competition with $25,000 going to the first place winner at the national level. Kasey with Mrs. Ells, the principal and Mr. Larry Sims, a Veteran representing the American Legion in this Competition.